700 系列
MAC 700系列是一个多功能的四通电磁阀先导滑阀。该系列的特点是我们的平衡提升阀在先导和空气/弹簧返回一致的转移,无论进口压力波动。多功能的管道意味着阀门可以作为一个四通,三通,二通,常闭或常开或可用于真空,分流器或选择器应用。我们的一体式密封阀芯意味着更长的寿命和易于维护。有关信息认证(如UL,CSA,RoHS和CE),请访问我们网站上的获取支持页面
最高流量Cv (Max): 0.8
接口尺寸: 1/8″-1/4″
Configurations: Inline – Manifold: Plug-in/Non Plug-in
700 系列产品目录
700 系列参数目录
Category: Small 4-Way Valves

400 Series
Small 4-Way Valves
The MAC 400 Series is a 4-way spool valve pilot operated by a small direct operated 4-way solenoid valve - a one-off in air valve manufacturing. The 4-way pilot means a low minimum operating pressure - no pistons - and minimal resistance to shifting. The balanced design in the pilot means shifting forces are consistently high and response times are repeatable regardless of inlet pressure fluctuations. For information regarding certifications (such as UL, CSA, RoHS and CE) please visit the Get Support pages on our website.
Application, Installation and Service Precautions
Cv (Max): 1.1
Port Sizes: 1/8"-1/4"
Configurations: Inline - Manifold: Plug-in/Non Plug-in
400 Series Catalog Pages
400 Series Circuit Bar Pages
400 Series Remote Air Pages
400 Series Intrinsically Safe Page

47 Series
Small 4-Way Valves
The MAC 47 Series is a high flow direct solenoid operated 4-way poppet valve. It features a short stroke solenoid with oval armature, a balanced poppet and conical seats. These features translate into high shifting forces, fast consistent response times, high flow in a small package and long life. For information regarding certifications (such as UL, CSA, RoHS and CE) please visit the Get Support pages on our website.
Application, Installation and Service Precautions
Cv (Max): 0.5
Port Sizes: 1/8"-1/4"
Configurations: Inline - Manifold: Plug-in/Non Plug-in - Stacking
47 Series Catalog Pages
47 Series Circuit Bar Pages
47 Series MAConnect Pages
47 Series Regulator Pages

27 Series
Small 4-Way Valves
The MAC 27 Series is a 4-way P.O.P. (Pilot Operated Poppet) designed solenoid air valve. The 4-way pilot means a low minimum operating pressure - no pistons and minimal resistance to shifting. The balanced design in the pilot means shifting forces are consistently high and response times are repeatable regardless of inlet pressure fluctuations. For information regarding certifications (such as UL, CSA, RoHS and CE) please visit the Get Support pages on our website.
Application, Installation and Service Precautions
Cv (Max): 1.0
Port Sizes: 1/8"-1/4"
Configurations: Inline - Individual Base: Non-Plug-in - Circuit Bar: Non Plug-in
27 Series Catalog Pages

43 Series
Small 4-Way Valves
The MAC 43 Series is a direct solenoid operated 4-way - 8mm - poppet valve. A direct operated 4-way of this size with such high flow is unique to MAC due to patented design innovations. It features an oval armature in the solenoid, a balanced poppet and conical seats. These features translate into high shifting forces, fast consistent response times, high flow in a small package and long life. For information regarding certifications (such as UL, CSA, RoHS and CE) please visit the Get Support pages on our website.
Application, Installation and Service Precautions
Cv (Max): 0.07
Port Sizes: M3-#10-32, M5-1/8"
Configurations: Inline - Manifold: Plug-in/Non Plug-in
43 Series Catalog Pages
43 Series Non Plug-in Circuit Bar Pages
43 Series Plug-in Circuit Bar Pages

1600 Series
Small 4-Way Valves
The MAC 1600 Series is ideal for applications requiring a small 4-way remote air, manual, or mechanically operated valve. For information regarding certifications (such as UL, CSA, RoHS and CE) please visit the Get Support pages on our website.
Application, Installation and Service Precautions

23 Series
Small 4-Way Valves
The MAC 23 Series is a compact - high flow - 8mm - solenoid pilot operated 4-way spool valve. The valve offers high flow not common for a valve of its size. The valve utilizes our new 8mm E-pilot with oval armature for maximized shifting forces in a small package size. The balanced design in the pilot means shifting forces are consistently high and response times are repeatable regardless of inlet pressure fluctuations. For information regarding certifications (such as UL, CSA, RoHS and CE) please visit the Get Support pages of our website.
Application, Installation and Service Precautions
Cv (Max): 0.23
Port Sizes: #10-32-M3-M5
Configurations: Inline - Manifold: Plug-in/Non Plug-in
23 Series Catalog Pages
23 Series Circuit Bar Pages

41 Series
Small 4-Way Valves
The MAC 41 Series is a direct solenoid operated 4-way - 6mm - poppet valve. A direct operated 4-way of this size with such high flow is unique to MAC due to patented design innovations. It features an oval armature in the solenoid, a balanced poppet and powerful return spring. These features translate into high shifting forces, fast consistent response times, high flow in a small package and long life. For information regarding certifications (such as UL, CSA, RoHS and CE) please visit the Get Support pages on our website.
Application, Intallation and Service Precautions
Cv (Max): 0.03
Port Size: M3
Configurations: Inline - Manifold: Plug-in/Non Plug-in
41 Series Catalog Pages

46L Series
Small 4-Way Valves
This new valve series utilizes the patented balanced lifting technology that was developed for the Bullet Valve®, and has been implemented in the 35 Series lifting and 46 Series lifting valves. By re-configuring the standard 46 Series push type solenoid construction to a lifting design while maintaining the balanced principles of MAC Valves, we have added the benefits of longer life and greater repeatability without sacrificing the technology that has made the 46 Series a market leader. For information regarding certifications (such as UL, CSA, RoHS and CE) please visit the Get Support pages on our website.
Application, Installation and Service Precautions
Cv (Max): 0.30
Port Sizes: 1/8"-#10-32-M5
Configurations: Inline - Manifold: Plug-in/Non Plug-in - Stacking
46L Series Catalog Pages

24 Series
Small 4-Way Valves
The MAC 24 Series is a compact - high flow - 10mm - solenoid pilot operated 4-way spool valve. The valve offers high flow not common for a valve of its size. The valve utilizes our new 8mm E-pilot with oval armature for maximized shifting forces in a small package size. The balanced design in the pilot means shifting forces are consistently high and response times are repeatable regardless of inlet pressure fluctuations. For information regarding certifications (such as UL, CSA, RoHS and CE) please visit the Get Support pages of our website.
Application, Installation and Service Precautions
Cv (Max): 0.4
Port Sizes: #10-32-M5-M7
Configurations: Inline - Manifold: Plug-in/Non Plug-in
24 Series Catalog Pages

48 Series
Small 4-Way Valves
The MAC 48 Series is a high flow 16mm 4-way spool valve with a unique integral four way pilot. The short stroke solenoid utilizes an oval armature for maximized shifting forces in a small area. The 4-way pilot means a low minimum operating pressure - no pistons - and minimal resistance to shifting. The balaced design in the pilot means shifting forces are consistently high and response times are repeatable regardless of inlet pressure fluctuations. For information regarding certifications (such as UL, CSA, RoHS and CE) please visit the Get Support pages of our website.
Application, Installation and Service Precautions
Cv (Max): 1.1
Port Size: 1/8"
Configurations: Inline - Manifold: Plug-in/Non Plug-in
48 Series Catalog Pages
48 Series Regulator Pages
48 Series Remote Air Pages
48 Series MAConnect Pages

42 Series
Small 4-Way Valves
The MAC 42 Series is a high flow 10mm solenoid pilot operated spool valve with a unique integral four way pilot. The short stroke solenoid utilizes an oval armature for maximized shifting forces in a small area. The 4-way pilot means a low minimum operating pressure - no pistons - and minimal resistance to shifting. The balaced design in the pilot means shifting forces are consistently high and response times are repeatable regardless of inlet pressure fluctuations. For information regarding certifications (such as UL, CSA, RoHS and CE) please visit the Get Support pages of our website.
Application, Installation and Service Precautions
Cv (Max): 0.40
Port Sizes: #10-32-1/4"
Configurations: Inline - Manifold: Plug-in/Non Plug-in
42 Series Catalog Pages
42 Series Circuit Bar Pages
42 Series MAConnect Pages
42 Series Regulator Pages

44 Series
Small 4-Way Valves
The MAC 44 Series is a direct solenoid operated 4-way - 10mm - poppet valve. A direct operated 4-way of this size with such high flow is unique to MAC due to patented design innovations. It features an oval armature in the solenoid, a balanced poppet and conical seats. These features translate into high shifting forces, fast consistent response times, high flow in a small package and long life. For information regarding certifications (such as UL, CSA, RoHS and CE) please visit the Get Support pages on our website.
Application, Installation and Service Precautions
Cv (Max): 0.10
Port Sizes: M5-#10-32
Configurations: Inline - Manifold: Plug-in/Non Plug-in
44 Series Catalog Pages
44 Series Circuit Bar Pages
44 Series MAConnect Pages